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Project Belmonte Residence is located at the foot of Bogd Khan mountain, a location that increases in value day by day. The project Belmonte Residence contains high class residential apartment, office and service facilities.

Advantages of the project
  • Valuable location, with no soil pollution. A area that has never been touched, whole new infrastructures.
  • Whole concrete building, with high ceilings and spacious room planning
  • Талст болон гурвалжин цонхны архитектур шийдэлтэй шалнаас тааз хүртэлх шилэн фасад
  • Proper distance between each building, constant sunlight and ventilation system planned.
  • Accessible warm parkings
  • Accessible green planning
  • International Cambridge program implemented Jet Kindergarten and Jet Secondary school inside the campus
  • Soccer field and and basketball courts
  • Soccer field and and basketball courts 
  • Near public secondary schools and kindergartens
  • Нийслэлийн засаг захиргааны төв байртай ойр байрлал
  • All the materials used in the project are both eco and environmental friendle, meets the international standards.

Belmonte Residence 2-р ээлжийн ашиглалтад орсон 4-5 өрөө орон сууц, 2023 оны 1-р улиралд ашиглалтад орох 3-р ээлжийн 3-5 өрөө орон сууцны сонголттой.

Belmonte Tower offering from 36sq.m to 493sq.m areas can be used in office or service for sale. Floor choices are available.


Foot of Bogd khan Mountain, east from Khunnu mall, Khuush am, 4th khoroo, Khan-Uul district, Ulaanbaatar Mongolia.

Sales department

Mon-Fri 10:00-18:00 Sat-Sun 10:00-18:00

Contact: 7775-7555

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