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Our service

We provide digital experience.

New projects developments, sales

An experienced team in marketing and sales will work responsibly and professionally on new property projects in any area of ​​the city. We carry out the following tasks for each phase of the project.


Market research for new projects

-Environmental researches
-Customer research
-Competitor research
-Price research


Development of a new project concept

-Defining the outlook of the project
-Identify strengths and uniqueness of the project
-Identifying the buyer
-Defining pricing policy


Marketing and sales

Our marketing and sales plan offers not only promoting via social media platforms, but in addition, we also offer to organize the events to promote the project, raising the recognition of the public.

Advice in real estates and brokeraging

REI Management LLC provides sales and rental brokerage services in the real estate market with a team of ethical and professional agents protecting the interests of both parties. We will sell, buy, rent and lease properties by evaluating real estate, using the right marketing tools to promote your property to the market.

We provide our customers with all the information and purchase advice on the latest industry trends, real-time evaluations and other information about real estates.

Investing in real estate, investment brokage

REI Management LLC conducts Investment and Investment mediation activities as follows.


We will supply building materials and invest in new projects within the ecosystem of our group company.

-Steel frame
-Simplified block /check the type/
-Sewage septic system
We offer real estate assets in profitable locations and with high returns to foreign and domestic investors.

Real Estate Management

ҮХХ-н менежментийн үйлчилгээ гэдэг нь орон сууцны, худалдаа үйлчилгээ оффисын, үйлдвэрлэл агуулахын болон тусгай (театр, спорт заал, амралтын газар, сургууль цэцэрлэг гэх мэт) барилгууд гэх мэт бүх төрлийн үл хөдлөх хөрөнгийн арчилгаа, цэвэрлэгээ үйлчилгээ, аюулгүй байдал зэргийг хангахаас гадна, түрээслүүлэгч болон түрээслэгч, эзэмшигч нарын харилцааг зохицуулах гуравдагч компанийн үйлчилгээг хэлнэ. ҮХХ-н менежментийн эдгээр үйлчилгээг бүтнээр болон салгаж өгч болох бөгөөд тухайн үл хөдлөх хөрөнгийн насжилтыг уртасгах, хөрөнгө оруулалтын өгөөжийг нэмэгдүүлэх гол зорилготой.


Usage management

There’ll be a need to calculate the depreciation of the property from the beginning. Property management will include following service:
-Surveillance camera and security system
-Daily and scheduled inspections
-Төлөвлөгөөт засвар, үйлчилгээ
-Infrastructure engineering maintenance and service
Outdoor maintenance and outdoor green planning


Property management

To carry out day-to-day operations of the building after its commissioning, to manage it efficiently, to perform lease sales, establish relations with tenants on behalf of the owner, and to use additional services to increase the market value of the relevant project, we offers following service.
Services related to Property Management of Real Estate:
-Lease Marketing
-Sales Fulfillment
-Other services for residents and tenants
-Rent collection
-Real estate insurances are included

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